
Town rapunzel lives in
Town rapunzel lives in

town rapunzel lives in

“No reason.” Kurt replied suspiciously, uncurling from himself and relaxing a bit. “Why the hell would I want your hair?” Logan asked in response, relaxing when he realised that the man didn’t seem to be a threat. “Who are you? Are you a bad guy? Are you going to try and steal my hair?” Kurt asked quickly, confusing Logan greatly. When the man saw Logan and his knife, he immediately looked scared, and began gathering up all of his hair, and began scrambling backwards quickly. He was wearing a simple button up shirt and pants, and no shoes. The man who had tumbled out of the brush had tan skin, brown eyes, and really, really long blue hair. What ended up falling out of the bushes in front of Logan was not a threat, but a person. Logan hurried to get up, pulling a knife quickly out of one of his boots, ready to attack if whatever was near proved to be a predator. Logan laid down with his arms behind his head and closed his eyes to go to sleep, the small fire beside him keeping him warm, when there was a loud rustling and a shout from beside him. Logan rather enjoyed the solitude, and he liked sleeping on the soft grass of the forest floor, with the stars shining bright in the patches of sky that were visible to him through the trees. He wasn’t particularly well liked in the town, and most inns would put him up anymore, but he didn’t mind. Logan was setting up his camp in the woods, in a place that he thought would be safe for him to stay. So Kurt ran, with a huge grin on his face, feeling the wind, and the leaves from the trees getting caught in his hair, and he loved it. Kurt was ecstatic, and he wanted to take his time to wander and explore, but he knew that he had to get away from the tower as soon as possible first, or else he would risk getting caught by his mother. That’s why he snuck out of the tower himself that night, after Mother Mystique had gone to sleep, using his hair to climb down from the window, just as his mother had used it to climb up just hours before. Kurt knew that he was getting nowhere with his mother, and he would never be able to convince his mother to let him out of the tower, no matter how much he tried.

town rapunzel lives in

There are bad people who would try to steal your hair, and hurt you.” Mother Mystique ran one of her hands gently through some of Kurt’s hair, placing the other one comfortingly on his shoulder. “Mother, I was wondering if perhaps I could go to town with you next time. “Thank you mother.” Kurt said excitedly, taking the books and beginning to skim through them. I brought you back some new books.” Mother Mystique replied, pulling a couple of books out of her basket, and handing them to Kurt.

town rapunzel lives in

How was your trip into town?” Kurt asked, helping his mother climb inside the tower window. Kurt watched as his mother, Mother Mystique, began to climb up the side of their very tall tower, using Kurt’s hair to pull herself up. Kurt had been growing his hair out ever since he was born, having never cut it once in his eighteen years of life, as it was magic, and his mother told him that if he cut his hair, it would lose its powers. Kurt hurried to open the window and dropped his long blue hair out of the window. So Kurt had to settle for simply staring out the window longingly, until he gently closed the window and went back to his room to read one of his beloved, worn down books, until he heard the call of his mother outside. Kurt sat in his room, staring out the window, wishing he could just jump out and leave, but he knew the fall would be too great, and he would surely die when he hit the ground.

Town rapunzel lives in