
Forestry prison architect
Forestry prison architect

forestry prison architect

Research Prison Labour as soon as possible. Prisoners also do not attempt to tunnel out of holding cells, so use this to your advantage early until you are ready to tackle potential prisoner escapes.Holding cells can easily be torn down and the space converted into standard cells later (where you will already have beds for them). As long as there are beds, TVs and phones, prisoners will happily remain in a holding cell for several days or weeks, allowing you to work on other things like laundry and workshops as an initial priority. Do not rush to build individual cells for prisoners, (except possibly getting your capacity up to 15, to receive the $10,000 grant completion bonus).

forestry prison architect

Ensure that there is one guard stationed in each holding cell to avoid prisoners getting locked in for extended periods of time.

forestry prison architect

  • Holding cell doors close even during the day (when regular cell doors remain open).

    One bench is sufficient regardless of prisoner numbers, as they will be much more inclined to use benches in the canteen, yard or other areas during their free time.


  • Ensure that there is one bed per prisoner in a holding cell, one phone and TV to every 3-5 prisoners and one toilet to every 10 or so prisoners sharing the cell.
  • Without them, prisoners' sleep, family and recreation needs will spiral out of control before you know it, and riots will ensue. They are not requirements, but will keep your prisoners much more happy early on.
  • Put beds, TVs and phones in the holding cell.
  • Holding cells are much cheaper than individual cells, and can allow you to raise your prisoner numbers (and therefore daily income) quickly. Excess power created by these sustainable methods can be sold back to the grid using the Power Export Meter.Use a holding cell initially.
  • A Greener New Deal: Prisons get an eco-friendly makeover with Solar, Wind, and Solar/Wind Hybrid power sources.
  • Fields can also become Gang Turf, so keep your guards on alert! Prisoners can now secretly grow herbs in the fields and swipe kitchen ingredients to brew Booze.
  • Trouble is Brewing: With new crops comes new contraband.
  • Gardening affects inmates and gives them a positive recreation activity.
  • Best Buds: Inmates who enjoy nature’s beauty can grow flowers and other plants recreationally.
  • But that’s not all, players can recruit staff Farm Workers, build a Pantry to store produce, and construct a Shed to house farming-related items.
  • Room to Grow: Three outdoor rooms facilitate farming: Fruit Orchard, Farm Field and Vegetable Allotment.
  • Produce can be exported or used as ingredients for inmate meals.
  • Fruits of Labor: Farming introduces a new type of Prison Labor, allowing prisons to grow potatoes, wheat, apples, and more.
  • Here's the list of what's new in the Going Green DLC Now though you can give them a splash of colour and of course all this growing comes with its own type of contraband because no prison can apparently be without some kind of special herbs. Most prison tend to a look a bit…depressing.


    Perhaps your prisoners in Prison Architect fancy growing something to pass the time? Give them the gift of green in Prison Architect - Going Green and The Glasshouse free update out now.

    Forestry prison architect